Getting Started


The art program at Blackwell is run by parent volunteers who present monthly art lessons in the classrooms.  A curriculum called Art Smart has been used for a number of years at Blackwell. You do not have to follow these lesson plans.  


However, I want to encourage you to visit the LWSD website for art docents:


Complete art lessons for each grade are available to use – and they follow the school art curriculum guidelines. Art Smart Lessons are now in PDF format, so no more paper copies unless you really need one. This year I have stocked the art room primarily with supplies intended for these LWSD lessons.  Many other supplies are available, so you may continue to use the Art Smart curriculum or create your own lessons. Before starting the lessons, classroom parents (that is you!) meet or discuss over email and plan the year, trying to incorporate different art mediums and concepts. At this time, your individual class group decides who will lead each lesson and who will be a “helper”. (Some parents enjoy leading the lessons and volunteer to lead the majority of classes. Others prefer to help. Other groups divide leading and helping evenly. Whatever works best for your group is fine.) Once the schedule is decided, the parents discuss with the classroom teacher a time and a day each month to hold the lesson. 

Every class is encouraged to do one clay and one glass project per year. Go to to learn more about the processes.


For glass and clay projects, each class is allotted 1 bag/chunk of clay per class. For glass projects, each class gets 1 large clear sheet of glass and 2 ½ of color. The kilns must be reserved with Linda Kramer in the main office. Plan ahead and reserve your dates as soon as possible. One kiln will be used only for glass, and the other only for clay. They will be clearly labeled.

Art Smart Curriculum and Lessons



Fall Tree Painting

Feelings Apple



Valentine's Day PPT

Kandinsky PPT

Kandinsky Coloring Page

Matisse PPT

Miro PPT

Turner PPT

Van Gogh PPT




Friedrich PPT

Lorrain PPT

Pastel Lesson

Warhol PPT

Whistler PPT

Wyeth and Haring


Monet-Japanese Bridge PPT

Chagall-Drawing a Dream PPT

Seraut PPT (Square 1 Art)

Mahlangu PPT (Square 1 Art)

Bird's eye view snow people PPT

Template for the "Bird's eye view snow people" lesson

Cezanne Apple Still Life PPT

Wayne Thiebaud Donut Drawing




Paul Cezanne PPT

Picasso Cubism PPT

Utrillo PPT

Rockwell PPT

Hokusai PPT

Printmaking PPT

Nutcracker PPT

Owl Oil Pastel

BFG - Dream Trees

Negative Space

Eric Carle - Fall Forest

Clay Gnomes




Cave Art PPT

Piet Mondrian PPT

Romero Britto PPT

Salmon Glass PPT

Vaserely PPT

Icecream Cone Sculpture




Burton-Portraits PPT

Color Theory-Square1-Grid Trees PPT

Drooker-Perspective PPT

Emphasis and Focal Point PPT

Quilling-3D PPT

Georgia O'keeffe PPT

Chinese Dragon Puppet PPT





Elements of Art


Line: Line is the path of a moving point. Lines define the edges of shapes and form.


Shape: Shape is an area enclosed by line. It is 2 dimensional and be geometric or organic.


Form: Forms are 3-Dimensional. They occupy space of give the illusion that they occupy space.


Color: Color is the most expressive element of art and is seen by the way light reflects off a surface.


Value: Value is the lightness or darkness of a surface. It is often referred to when shading, but value is also important in the study of color


Space: Space is the illusion of objects having depth on the 2-Dimensional surface. Linear and aerial perspective are used.


Work Areas


The Art Workroom (located in “b” wing - first workroom on your right after the main stairwell going up to the second floor) contains general art supplies such as paint, paper, paint brushes, inking, markers, colored pencils, pastels, clay materials and tools, etc. Remember to try to use different mediums throughout the year.


The Shower Room (located off the staff hallway) contains glass and clay materials, glazing paints and paintbrushes. This is the only area allowed for cutting glass. Keeping this area clean and swept is very important.


The Kiln Room (located in the custodial room off the lunchroom) is where both kilns and kiln supplies are. Please keep all objects away from the kiln, they get Very hot! Remember to turn on both kiln fans, even if you are only firing one. Follow all directions and please ask for help with any questions.


Plan Your Lesson

  • Be sure to use the calendar in the art room to inform others of your intent to use materials on   specific day/time

  • Plan or familiarize yourself with the lesson

  • Practice the project

  • Arrive early to prepare your supplies, set-up and be sure to communicate with your teacher

  • Briefly talk about the artist and the lesson you are teaching (ex. Perspective or Lines, etc.)

Ending the Lesson

  • Make sure student’s name is on the picture
  • Dry on cubbies in hallways 
  • Return all materials to workroom
  • Put the materials away neatly for the next volunteer to use
  • Please keep the workroom neat


  • Please keep the workrooms clean! Clean paint brushes thoroughly and use Masters Brush Cleaner. 
  • Put items back and clean counters.  We all use and share this space.
  • Separate paint brushes are to be used for clay glazing – please don’t use the paint brushes designated for watercolor, tempera and acrylic. The glazing brushes will be stored in the PTSA shower room where the glass and clay are stored.
  • If we are low on a particular supply, please post on the supply list for reorder ASAP

What Else?

  • Please plan one glass and one clay project
  • We have gift wrapping material for sending home art projects. Supplies include rolls of brown expandable padded wrap, white paper bags (for kids to decorate if you’d like to include in the lesson), and ribbon.  Please feel free to use these materials!  These materials are located in the Art Workroom.

Because space is at a premium, it is important that we are conscientious in keeping all work areas clean.  Please be considerate of others and try to keep the work areas cleaner than they were when you got there.



Elizabeth Blackwell PTSA 2.8.54
3225 205th Pl NE
Sammamish, WA 98074
EIN 91-1911244