Blackwell PTSA is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization and is part of the largest volunteer, child-advocacy group in the country. Advocacy is at the core of everything we do.On different platforms and forums we engage with all relevant stakeholders to advocate for program, policy and legislative changes that positively impact our students. 


How to get involved?

If you want to advocate for something at our school, please reach out to us at to see how we can work together. 


What does PTSA Advocacy Do?

We work closely with the following to advocate for our students and our community: 


Blackwell Elementary Administration & Staff:


Blackwell PTSA works in close collaboration with the Blackwell administration and Staff. We have the opportunity to interface with our Principal on a regular basis and are able to bring attention to any concerns that our students or parents might be facing.


PTSA Board of Directors hold a monthly Board of Directors meeting attended by our Pricipal and Teacher Representatives.


All PTSA Members are invited to our quarterly General Membership meetings where we have the opportunity to learn more about school programming, ask questions and alleviate any concerns we may have. 


Lake Washington PTSA Council


Blackwell PTSA attends monthly meetings where we represent Blackwell PTSA at the Lake Washington Council. This is our opportunity to add our voice to the district level advocacy efforts. 


Lake Washington PTSA Council Membership has adopted the following resolutions and statements in support of national, state and local initiatives in 2023-2024:

Lake Washington PTSA Council’s Board of Directors has adopted the below statement(s):

Washington State Parent Teacher Association


Washington State's 2025 Legislative Session will start in January. 


During the legislative session, WSPTA sends out action alerts. These action alerts are quick, easy ways to communicate with your legislators on topics we are actively working on (sign up here for action alerts).


Helpful Links: 

The top five WSPTA legislative priorities for 2023-24 were:

  • Addressing the Student Mental Health Crisis 
  • Addressing Critical Gaps in Education Funding
  • Preventing and Reducing Gun Violence and Suicide
  • Addressing Funding, Inclusion, and Supports in Special Education
  • Building and Maintaining Safer School Facilities 

Other supported issues included:

  • Creating a Diverse and Effective Educator Workforce
  • Expanding School Construction Funding Options
  • Harnessing the Benefits of Mastery-based Learning
  • Improving Equitable Identification and Access for Highly Capable Students
  • Increasing Education Equity by Closing the Digital Divide 
  • Increasing Support for Equitable Family Engagement 
  • Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Climate Change 
  • Multi and Heritage Language Education for All 
  • Supporting a Meaningful High School Diploma



How can you make a difference?

3 easy ways:

  1. Become a PTSA Member: By becoming a PTSA member, you add to the impact we can make! Our Washington State PTA team works to promote issues important to you in Olympia. Your membership increases our numbers, which adds more weight to our advocacy efforts in the eyes of our legislators.
  2. Contact Your STATE Legislators as a PTSA Member and Share Our Washington State PTA Legislative Platform: By adding your voice to those PTA members already working on your behalf, you raise the volume of our requests and help make sure our legislators know these issues are truly a priority for ALL of us. 

  3. Contact Your STATE Legislators as a Parent and Community Member to Share Your Own, Personal Concerns, Stories, and Opinions: While as PTSA members we legally must share the official stances and platform, as individual constituents we always have the right to speak our own opinions and add weight to the grassroots interest in these important topics.




Blackwell PTSA:

Lake Washington PTSA:

Washington State PTA:

National PTA:

Resources & Links

WSPTA Advocacy Page

Contact Your State Legislators

Join the PTSA





Elizabeth Blackwell PTSA 2.8.54
3225 205th Pl NE
Sammamish, WA 98074
EIN 91-1911244